Some children may encounter developmental problems as they grow and have difficulty meeting their milestones at a typically developing time. A number of influences can impact a child’s development such as a diagnosed condition, environmental and biological factors. You may notice concerns such as your child is having difficulty keeping up with their peers in the classroom, delays in toileting, or tend to bump into things or trip over for no apparent reason. Our highly trained professionals cover a wide range of conditions and developmental concerns to promote function in a meaningful way to complete everyday activities.
SPOTS For...
Occupational Therapy for Children of All Ages
Proudly servicing the Hunter Valley and surrounding regions
Silver Porcupine Occupational Therapy Services are mobile-based Occupational Therapists working in collaboration with you and your family to reach your goals
Read MoreOur vision is to promote meaningful and inclusive support by facilitating
participation in all areas of daily life for all people
Read Moreparticipation in all areas of daily life for all people
What is Occupational Therapy?

Why Choose SPOTS?
Our aim is to make a positive difference in the lives of every child, parent/carer, adult, and organisation we work with. We provide an engaging and enthusiastic way to promote participation to improve key skills to empower independence and produce progressive outcomes.
Improvements and successful outcomes are more likely to occur when therapy is based around meaningful activities. Our mobile Occupational Therapy providers work with children within their natural environments to create new opportunities and help them adapt to activities they perform everyday.